Learning Opportunities

There are a wide variety of educational and learning opportunities available to service users. Those interested are supported to attend local colleges and to access educational experiences at home and in the local community. These include bread making at a…

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Service users who wish to work or volunteer are supported to find, access and retain jobs in the local area. People enjoy a range of work and voluntary experiences, including working for the local council and food outlets, volunteering at…

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Independent Living Skills

We strongly and actively encourage our service users to develop a range of independent living skills. Service users are supported to take an active role in their homes, including: Individual domestic tasks including upkeep of their own room and belongings.…

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Chester Link Newsletters

CHESTER LINK SERVICE USERS NEWSLETTERS Our service users across the houses enjoy to a range of fun and exciting things from enjoying their favorite lunch spot to learning a new skill, mastering a hobby and going on holiday. We produce…

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